
Wrap Around Program

The Wrap Around Program includes high-quality, certified sports, arts and skill-based activities that students can pursue after their academic school hours. These activities support social, emotional, cognitive, and educational development, promote physical health, and provide children and youth with a safe and supportive environment. Students are offered excellent opportunities to advance their understanding and specialise in their areas of interest through diverse activities.

The Outbound Learning Program is designed to help students make real-world connections and evolve into wholesome individuals. Every experience is age-appropriate, carefully curated and meticulously planned around experiential learning, adventure, sustainability and service themes. These trips allow students to discover themselves, and the world around them, make connections with concepts learned in class and the immense possibilities available to them.

In an ever-changing, unpredictable world, we prioritise student well-being by focusing on a or the student’s overall social, emotional, and ethical development. Our aim at the wellbeing team is to ensure every student feels seen, heard, valued, supported and encouraged to achieve their full potential and flourish in their student life.

The path to an authentic community involves listening to diverse voices about diverse topics. We leverage the vibrant community of parent champions, alumni, partners, professionals, enthusiasts and changemakers to be active participants and contributors in the holistic development of our students.

Student Clubs help students gain knowledge, skills and experience in their areas of interest and passion. They have limitless opportunities for student leadership and participation beyond classroom setup and academic programmes. They are primarily student-led and goal-oriented while guided by teachers and mentors. Every club has a dedicated objective and time that allows students to identify and nurture their unique talents and learn from their peers.

Continue the process of learning and development through overnight immersive programs. Students delve into real-world applications of their studies, collaborate in diverse team settings, and engage in problem-solving, all while forging lasting bonds with their peers. Led by expert instructors and guided by Ekya Nava’s core principles, each camp is an opportunity for students to not just learn, but to live their education. Dive deep, design, innovate, and return transformed.

The Work Exposure Program (WEP) is an opportunity for students to learn about different work areas and develop the understanding required to succeed in those professions. It helps students explore future careers and gain valuable skills and knowledge applicable to all lines of work. They also learn to take on challenges, meet deadlines and exceed expectations at a young age. Students who complete WEP internships gain an edge over others while applying for competitive exams/colleges in the coming years.

Mentorship and Exchange Programs

The Mentorship and Exchange Programs aim to foster a culture of growth and learning by enabling them to share knowledge, skills, and experiences. Our goal is to empower students to achieve their full potential while promoting cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. Through workshops, seminars, and networking events, students gain new skills, broaden their horizons, and build lasting connections.

The Service Learning Program helps students identify as part of the community and develop civic engagement skills where, in partnership with their teachers, students identify a cause they would like to focus on. They get an opportunities to work with diverse members of the community and fundraising drives, service learning is a teaching and learning potential that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and a program to teach civic responsibility.

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